Friday, May 28, 2010

Linger on

Blue eyes linger on me
It is always greener on the other side

Blue eyes linger on me.
I know what I have

but not what I loose in your green eyes
she said.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


as the sea rumble over sand
washing away silent screams
Water dribble over the rim
filling my boots with cold sea water
and I am perfectly happy
wet feet’s and a frostbitten nose
Wind in my hair
I wish this eternity could last for another moment

Snart é svikets time

Snart é svikets time kommen
snart skal du bli forrådt
snart é sviket
det kommer alltid raskar ein du trur
det kommer alltid nu

fem bokstava og et utropstegn
med rød pen på kvitt papir
et hjerte og en båt
rødt blekk og en drømm i tinn
snart fikk du rætt
snart é svikets time kommen

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Love as concept

the fine thing about

as a concept

is that you don't
have to
be loved back

it doesn't need to ba a transaction

you can love

just because you
want to

you do not have to be loved back